Take a look at this cartoon. It pretty much sums up how credit card companies think of you. You are fish to be hooked, and big banks don’t believe in catch-and-release. Once they have you on the hook, they are going to have you for dinner. So how do you avoid getting roasted by the …
Author: Greg
Need Cash? Sell Your Body for Science
When you need to pay off debt, you need money. And if your 9-to-5 isn’t paying the bills then you have to get creative. One of the easiest ways to earn real cash and do some good in the process is to participate in medical research studies. The medical community is constantly on the lookout of human guinea pigs …
Eliminate Credit Card Debt in 5 Easy Steps
Getting out of debt actually isn’t any harder than falling into debt, but it does take more time. In this video, CreditCards.com‘s Erica Sandberg explains the steps you can take to be rid of your debts in just five key money moves. To summarize: Stop using those credit cards, don’t add to your debt Sell …
How to Avoid A Personal Credit Downgrade
As a result of the recent downgrade of the United States government debt by the ratings agency Standard & Poor’s, the world witnessed President Obama scramble to do damage control while the global stock markets tanked, and women rent their garments. I’m not sure about the last part, but people were really upset. And the …
You Need a Budget
You can’t get out of debt without a budget, plain and simple. You need to account for every penny you earn and every penny you spend. At the end of the day, you need to spend less than you earn and apply the difference to your savings and debt reduction. Creating a budget is easy, …
Paying Off Debt is the Best Investment
Today the Dow Jones Average dropped more than 500 points and stock markets have now wiped out all of their gains for the year. That leaves most investors (if they’re lucky) right back at where they started for the year, and fretting about more potential losses to follow. Those families fortunate enough to have investments are now struggling …